But what to wear…?

I adore three day weekends.  This past Memorial Day weekend, with friends, family, barbecues, hiking and laying out on the beach, was really one for the books.  The part that I always manage to forget, after blissfully sauntering back into my work week, is that I have five days worth of work to finish in just four!  Any sense of calm or relaxation that I managed to achieve over the weekend goes right out the window.  This week was no exception.  I’m putting my nose to the grindstone today, and need a COMFORTABLE and rather conservative outfit to get me through my work day and into my long awaited evening at Unveiled San Francisco.  This outfit should carry me through from day to evening, simply by switching out my shoes and jewelry.

banananecklace 1.photo (4)2.

womensnavyblazer3. bananagoldnecklace4.

jcrewflat         5.  jcrewbeigeheel6.

1./ 2./ 3./ 4./ 5./ 6.

*A little tip for those of you making the rounds at wedding shows- whenever I attend a bridal event, I try to dress as though I’m attending a wedding at the venue where it’s being hosted.

Next week, we will unveil a Pinterest board of wedding guest attire.  Tomorrow, we will recap a bit of tonight’s event.  Stay tuned!

***Ciao Cheri***